Family Path online course

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Welcome to Family Path online course!

During this course, you will have the opportunity to reflect on what compassion means – for you, for your intimate relationship and for your family. The purpose of the course is to help you show more compassion towards yourself and to foster more compassionate communication with your partner and family.

The journey is split into three parts: self-compassion, compassionate intimate relationship and compassionate parenthood. Each section comprises a test that’s relevant to the theme, reading material, stories contributed by other parents and a series of reflective exercises and writing tasks.

We recommend that you write your thoughts down using pen and paper, as writing by hand has been shown to enhance learning and recall. You might want to have a notebook for the exercises you will be doing. That way, everything you write is kept in one place, and you can easily refer back to it later.

Writing by hand has been shown to enhance learning and recall.

  • Self-compassion
  • Compassionate intimate relationship
  • Compassionate parenthood

Work through the course at your own pace

The idea is that you will complete this online course independently, at your own pace and in the order of your choosing. However, we do recommend that you start with the section on self-compassion as compassion for the self is also relevant across the other two topics. You can submit feedback at the end of each section, and you will also be invited to rate individual exercises. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your feedback in advance. Your views matter.

It is a good idea to take a break between the sections. You could set yourself the target of competing one section per week, which means that you will have completed the entire course in three weeks.

Strong emotional responses are a normal part of our personal growth.

As you progress through the course, it’s a good idea to bear in mind that it takes time to learn new things. Discovering new thoughts and insights can also lead to some strong emotional responses. These are a normal part of the learning process. If you find yourself getting stuck on a particular section and find it hard to get your head around it, it may well be that you’ve happened upon something, a topic or memory, that represents an opportunity for you to make a change and pursue a new direction in your life. Personal growth that comes from greater understanding and awareness of the self has the potential to be hugely significant, for you and for your loved ones.

Do set aside some time to think and reflect and remember that change happens step by step. It might take many days or even weeks for the insights to come.

We hope that you enjoy the course!